Friday, November 4, 2011


Oli was here and we went to the beach and shared a huge huge huge huge bowl of creamy pasta. 
Something to do with whisks and bikes, too.


I had another dream where I was lying where I was sleeping but was face down on my pillow and could see my pillow clearly, like I was on my ceiling. There was a black dot on my pillow and I poked it. It started to grow into a fluffy black thing like you get from clothes, and then started growing these long, skinny legs, like a spider, but about 20 of them. I did what I did last time and got out of my bed and ran to the corner of my room in my dream, but I did it in real life too. I woke up from my half sleep standing in the corner of my room, not knowing how I got there or if what I saw was real. My doona was perfectly folded half back towards the foot of my bed. I got a pole that was in my room (in real life) and poked my pillow and lifted all my pillows and doonas to check for dream spiders.

Mum says I'm having night terrors.

Friday, October 14, 2011

14 October 2011

I was in my bed where I was sleeping and looked over to my left, half asleep in my dream, to see a really tall, cloaked figure leaning over my bed. His cloak had some white pattern on it and I think there was a smaller man standing next to him. I remember thinking, in my dream, I didn't order this or I didn't ask for this. I woke up from my half asleep state in my dream and realised that this shouldn't be happening so I jumped out of bed and ran to the corner of my room and turned on the light. I then woke up in real life and found myself standing in that very corner of the room with the light on and not knowing how I got there.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

30 September 2011

I was home alone in my house and moving my things form the kitchen table downstairs to my room upstairs because my mum was coming home from her trip to China (something that actually happened today). As I was walking up the stairs I was getting this feeling of some kind of presence and it was getting stronger and stronger as I was going upstairs. When I put my things on my desk upstairs and started to settle in the feeling kept getting stronger and I could feel a powerful presence of a young girl in my room. Freaked out, I went downstairs with my things again and the feeling weakened.

People came home and we were cleaning the house and cooking and I started talking about this feeling. They all said they felt it too. We started talking about how to get rid of it and things started to move (the pot on the stove moved and the books on the table opened). Then mum came home and told us that she gets angry when we talk about her or talk about getting rid of her so we stopped.

I woke up pretty fast and opened my eyes and in the corner of my room I saw this shape which was dark at the top and then white for the rest; I thought it was the girl whose presence we all felt upstairs in my dream so I freaked out. Then my vision cleared and it was my scarf on my door.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I had a dream that robert crumb owned a comic book store and i asked him about all his face comics and he said he liked daniel clowes but he didn't like jim wording he said he was a twat. He invited me over to his house and it was non dimensional so he where flooring in this abstract fractal pattern world it was scary, he then showed me an orphanage he owned and it was like it was designed by Gaudi, then we had to climb this tower and it was a massive arribic one im really scared of highs so i got scared but i lived. Later I was telling celeste that I had to climb this tower then we climbed this tower by pulling our selves up with rope on a piece of string. then people tried to kill us and i decapitated them all with a green sword and it was the only colourful thing in that whole section of the dream. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I had a dream today that my head was a cube and it was so dense that i couldn't wake up, I woke up from holding my breath, i felt like my head was a cube for about an hour after.

Monday, August 15, 2011

substitute dream

Lost my dream this morning but it had something to do with an earthquake.
Then walking to uni I thought about what it would be like if sound was like smell and stayed in the space for a few seconds before disappearing. You could eaves drop on someone in front of you really easy.

My subconscious is against me

Every day I dream about making the same drawing in the morning its very dramatic and its made in pencil, when my alarm goes off at 7 i always turn it off because I'm already making art in my dream. Every morning I sleep past my alarm. I wake up and get really angry that I didn't make any drawings. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

9 August 2011

No dream but today I wondered what would happen if you covered your entire body with bullclips

Saturday, July 23, 2011

23 July 2011

I'd been having this fight with a friend of mine and out of the blue her dad called me to say that she was suing me because I'd beat her up on three occasions unprovoked. I knew I hadn't and she didn't have any evidence to prove it. I was pleading with the dad to tell her that I was sorry for whatever I did and to sleep on this accusation. My sister was furious and went over to their house to tell them off, when she came back she had a dvd and told me to watch it. The dvd was of me (but not real me, a taller more masculine me) beating up my friend unprovoked, just punching her because I wanted to.

I don't know how the start tied into the rest of what happened, but I was in this sort of underground den, where I would hang out by myself for some reason. It was this network of caves that were all cubes and were slightly elevated from the ground so you had to climb up. It was in the backyard of this house, that was furnished like a 1950's beach house. Each time I went to the underground place, I would meet someone new. I met this girl with blue hair a few times and I used to have to cut her down because she was hung up with this blue material from bars on the roof. There was a man that was also a spirit that guarded this underground spot and from time to time he'd disguise himself as other things (other people, small girls, animals) and we could always hear him so we had to run back to the apartment, using special tac tics so he didn't catch us. 

The last time this happened I was with 2 other girls that were underground with me. One of them was the girl with blue hair and I had to cut her down from the roof again. Another was a girl that looked normal, but she was speaking in Russian and I could understand her. We were about to leave but then heard these voices and we knew that it was this man/spirit. The voices changed from middle ages women, to young boys and then the voices stopped or faded away so we started trying to get away. We got out from underground and were standing against a wall waiting to go. We started to make a run for it and realised that he was these 3 cats in the garden. To get passed them we had to run from one point to another (it couldn't be very far) while staring at the cat in the eyes. If you didn't, or if your distance was too long, the man would get you. At first we were all running together but then the Russian girl disappeared and immediately after the girl with blue hair did. So I kept going, staring at the cats to get past. The last one wasn't a cat though; it was a dog, a king charles cavalier. And the distance I had to run was much longer. But I ran, staring at the dog and went to the door. I opened the door, the dog just behind me, and I unlocked it but then locked it again and stood to the right of it. I realised that that I still wasn't in the house so I unlocked it again, but I stopped looking at the dog so it was coming for me and I was fumbling and finally got in and closed the door and pulled these sheer white curtains across so it couldn't see me. Then Lizzie McGirr had never seen or touched a King Charles Cavalier before so she opened the door and picked him up. I then realised that I'd missed a lot of guitar lessons running back from the underground network.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Some time last week

I was in the middle of some kind of Asian festival with some (Asian) friends of mine. We walked into this square and a flash mob dance started and everyone was dancing with partners but I didn't have anyone to dance with so I danced by myself, but then I felt stupid so I stopped. I found my group of Asian friends and was standing with them and then then Jackie Nguyen asked me to hold her jacket but I just walked away because I saw some cooler people over the road. As I was walking towards them a giant (size of a house) pomeranian dog was walking up the street towards me so I ran towards it and gave it a giant cuddle. I was screaming "YOU'RE SO CUTE! YOU'RE SO FLUFFY!" and walking with it and cuddling it's side. 

Then I think it disappeared and I went back to walking towards my cooler friends and then I was in some derelict vegetable garden with a wire fence and overgrown ivy and everything was green. Ruby Aitchison was telling me to take photos but my camera wouldn't focus so I couldn't.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

12 July 2011

I was homeless and I was living on the streets, but outside my house. And my parents still lived in there but they kicked me out; but I still kept some of my stuff in there and went in occassionally. And there were all these people who were trying to kill me or steal my stuff and I tried to film all these people doing this stuff because no one would believe me, but I could never get it on film. And then this one night mum had these people over for dinner and one of them was this woman who is in charge of all the people trying to kill me. And my sister came along and said I could stay in front of her house, and I started crying because it was still unsafe. There was this man who was trying to hurt me in my front yard and he was Italian so I was yelling at him in Italian but he just laughed and walked away. 

I decided to try and rent out a room in my house so I went and was crying and pleading to my mum to rent out the back room and I said I'd do anything. I was crying and saying how I worked in some volunteer place and all the people are awful (all the pregnant teenagers yelled at me and homeless people signed in and never signed out like they were supposed to) and pirates were giving me dubloons and fake gold. And then she let me stay in the room.

Friday, July 8, 2011


I was mexican with a  group of mexican kids we are  at the beach and living in shacks which look like 1920's cartoon backgrounds, the mexican army is trying to kill us with slapstick comedy pranks like exploding sandwiches, but they only killed  a few of us  we tried to escape in a car but it  brakes down so we call a tax. The taxi driver is hired by the Mexican government to kill us, we don't know this. the gun metal grey van arrives we get in.  The taxi driver reminisces when the mexican government made him kill 20 rabbits on the same road I see him next to 15 run over rabbits and he's carefully shooting the other 5 in the hard with a gun, he looks sad. I wake up and I have no body only thoughts I'm either a ghost or I'm just a viewer( but some times i can feel my legs) a mexican girl who i feel is me is pulling kids out of the wreckage of the car there which looks like a small pile of black clothes covered in tomato sauce i can only see an arm and her covered in blood everything is skin tone black and dark red.

I wake up and I'm in my house in Australia and I hear about all the mexican kids getting killed by the mexican government  on Tv i don't care at all .  My parents  say "Hey Phill is a really good artist he made these plastic lights with silhouettes cut into them". they are turtle shell pattern and are flat perspex with a light behind. He had them installed in every hospital in the world and where about the mexican massacres . Im sceptical. I'm told he's making art out of seats  the mexican government had given Phill the seats that the children had died in in the car crash to make art with and i was shocked ,but i didn't know why.

 I realise that I was a mexican that was killed  and I remember when I was at the airport .  I was with Phill and he gave me an the mexican girl sausages in buns and we ate them but they were the meat of all the dead people which were in the car crash/ murder. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4 July 2011

I was doing something before but I can't remember what and then I was running and found myself somewhere that was frozen over because it was night. I thought it was a lake or the sea or something so I was being very careful as to where I was stepping and was only stepping on the dark parts. There were these slopes of ice/snow so I went into a nook in there because it was safer than being on the ice. Then I got my camera out and started taking photos of the frozen over wherever I was and there were trees and there was like a blue colour overlay over everything. This family then appeared and these little boys were running around on the frozen ground and I was worried that the ice would break and they would fall in but I didn't do anything about it, I just took pictures. Then the sun started to come up and I was taking photos of that and once it was up it went up down up down up down up down for a while and everything was grey. Because the sun was up everything started melting and I thought for sure we were all going to drown in whatever was below us, but it turned out it was just the grass that was frozen. So then we were standing on grass and I walked away.


The dream was much longer this is the end of the dream. 
I was cleaning out my room in halls in london before i moved back to australia and some one  knocked on the door and i didn't know who it was josh was already in my room helping me and I didn't have many other friends in halls that would knock. I answered the door and it was beck ravensdale a girl who i hadn't talked too properly since maybe year 8 in high school it was the last person i would have expected. as I answered the door the room transformed into a tudor style bedroom with big black poles in the middle and it was about 3 times the size and my bed was the same but turned around also it was the only furniture. Beck said " I was meant to go to the victoria and albert museum but i forgot the time and they have already left, I found out you're here and i thought i would say hi" I said " I haven't been to the v and A but I think its on the picadilly line" Then i woke up. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

27 March 2009

I was in some school that I had just moved to and I needed to go the toilet but the toilets were in the library. Like on the library counter and there were just all these little boxes that you went in. And all these people were using them all and there were others just doing other things in the library and I thought to myself, "this is weird, I'm going to another one" so I went to level 2 and went into this room which was like a huge stairwell but also kind of like a shop as well and there were this little monster heads on the stairs and the walls and on shelves which were toilets. 

I went up and down the stairs (and there were others in there as well) looking for one that I liked and I never found one. And there was this other quite obese girl there as well and somehow I got into a verbal fight with her. I don't remember what it was about but she called me something so I called her fat and so she charged at me and pushed me to the ground and started to strangle me and there was like this little strangle-o-meter that told me how much I was being strangled and it was going from hard to breath to faint to dead. And I died. But not really. I was still alive kind of. But I was dead as well. 

A few days later this man and woman found me (doctors and my parents (but not my parents as I know them in real life)) and they revived me. And they did this xray that showed I had orange juice everywhere in my body. And they said that's how I survived. Even though I was dead..

And then I went into this building that I was outside of but I was also still out front with my parents. And there was this chain connected from a rail outside that went into the building and apparently I also used that to not die-something to do with me not becoming creepishly skinny when I was temporarily dead. And then the woman looks at the building and goes "oh no" and then this blonde haired woman who I have no idea who was falls from the top storey and splattered on the ground followed by the large girl who killed me. And because it was so gruesome the me at the bottom of the building covered it with a towel I had. And then we look up and the me that was in the building steps out on to the balcony with this angry and triumphant look on my face because she/I killed them.

28 January 2009

I was on a boat and me and my sister were swimming along side it for some reason and there were all these obstacles coming at us so when one came we threw it behind us and one of them managed to hit another boat. So now, this man was after my sister and I. After the boat got to the dock we hid with my mum and dad in this line out of the station but the man was looking out for us and eventually found us. He separated my sister and I from our parents and were holding them hostage in these large Aztec ruins. So we’re standing in this huge vine infested Aztec canyon type thing and were told to find this man in this maze, otherwise they would kill our parents. So we followed this route through this old maze and were eventually at the end where this creature lived. The place had now turned into my living room. This man appeared, but he wasn’t quite a man; he was unnaturally tall and seemed to be made of trees and leaves. He brought out all these scalpels and tried to swipe at us under our feet or our heads; all of which we ducked and jumped.

Then, we had supposedly got through a "level“ of his game and were given these books to study to figure out how to kill him. Jessica read through the right one and I was given this other one that had all jibberish in it. He came back and when I told him that I hadn’t read the book yet he was quite generous to give us more time to read it. As it turned out, you can weaken him by screaming. I did this when he came back and told Jessica and this other mysterious girl to scream as well but they wouldn’t – they had these suspicious faces on but I“m not quite sure what they meant. So I screamed and screamed but soon enough they didn’t affect him anymore so he swiped his scalpel at me once more and thinking he was going for my feet like before I jumped, but he ended up swiping downwards and slicing me in half. 

I wasn’t dead yet and he positioned my body with my hands on my back and looking down. He went for Jessica next but she moved sidewards and these high heel shoes appeared on her feet and she started to stomp around and order the creature around. Then, suddenly he apparead in women’s clothes and high heels and began to freak out from some traumatic child hood experience I figured. Then this woman came in and somehow but me back together and arrested the creature.

15 January 2008 #2

My family and I were witches and wizards or something and we went back in time with all these 50 cent coins to trade them with gold coins which are worth 1000 dollars in modern times. So we traded these 50 cent coins for one gold coin which we then bet with to get 4 coins (4000 dollars) and then my family wanted to keep gambling them but I didn’t want to so I ran. 

Then, I heard screaming so I ran back and my dad told me we had just won 1 billion dollars. A woman then told us to run because people would want our money. So we started to move through this Egyptian-like market place where there were all these golden objects. Then, the phone rang and we were back in the modern times. I answered the phone and it was this guy who was telling us to run. He didn’t say why, just to run. His name was Daniel. So we ran and then we were okay for about 5 minutes and then he rang again to tell us to run again. He hung up and we still didn’t know who he was. We then ran into this little nook where there were crates and stuff and he didn’t ring but he was narrating my dream. He was saying things like “And Linda ran into the corner behind the bins and Jessica, Alex and Celeste were standing against the wall and then Linda ran into a blue, blow up tunnel where Jessica, Alex and Celeste followed and suddenly changed into blue suits."

He stopped narrating for while, while we were running in the tunnel. Then we got to the end and the narrator/caller said that trees were going to grow out of these holes at the end and we’d be stuck and then he said that Linda found a rock that she’ll later use as a nail file. The narration then stopped and mum jumped through a zip up door and we all followed. We then realised that we were still in the town where this man who were told to run away from was. I don’t know how we knew any of these things though. So we all ran separate ways and then I saw this guy who had slicked back hair and I knew that this was the guy we were running away from. So I ran around the corner but I saw his henchmen! So I ran back and mum and I jumped over this fence and into the front lawn in our blue suits. Mum then sunk into the soil and I tried but I couldn’t so I turned myself into a snake and slithered over to this other snake. Except I wasn’t really a snake. I had hands and I felt like a human even though I must’ve looked like a snake because the henchmen didn’t say anything; he just looked at me curiously. I was hissing at this man and he kept looking at me and then he grabbed a hose and sprayed it in my face and grabbed it with my mouth and I sprayed it in his face. 

Then, eventually, he left but then Delta Goodrem appeared out of nowhere questioning if I as a snake. And I knew then that I had been found out and I woke up.

15 January 2008

I was at my Nanna’s house and I fell asleep and began to dream within my dream. In the dream within the dream I dreamt that I had two brothers: about 10 and 4. Jessica (my sister) was, for some reason, the 10 year old. It’s all very choppy and confusing but I remember there was something to do with a toilet. We had three ways to close the toilet, all of which I used. There was first a door, then a yellow pull down curtain, then a big green pull across sheet. I was on the toilet trying to hold the big green sheet across the door because my two brothers were bothering me. So I started to sing. And they sang too. It was sort of like musical. And then, it cut to me just not been bothered with the whole covering the door way so I went to the toilet where everyone could see. And in the time where it cut out, Jessica, the 10 year old brother must have hit me or something because the little brother got a crowbar, and began to hit Jessica. She/he was al right but still. Then, it cut back to when I was on the toilet with nothing in the doorway and it hit me that I had a vision and that I had to stop my little brother from hitting Jessica. So I got up from the toilet and hugged the little brother and started to sing again. I remember now that his name was Shaun. I started singing something like, “I love you Shaun, I love you.”  This was sung while steering him away from Jessica so he wouldn’t hit him/her. Then I woke up from that dream in my dream and I was still in nanna’s house but we were just leaving. Then, Jessica had this sign on her back that said “The In-laws,” and I asked her “why do you have that sign on your back? We’re not in laws.” I think she replied, “I know, but that girl over there has British looking hair.” Then I asked if she saw me sleeping and she said I hadn’t been but I obviously had because I had that dream. Then I was telling her about and how it was like ‘The Shining’ because it was scary. I said it was scary because of the singing and she was kind of ignoring me. I kept saying it was like ‘The Shining’ even though it really wasn’t. 

28 December 2007

It started off with me and a group of friends (who I’d never actually met in real life) going into one of my friends vans/trailer. It was sort of like a movie star trailer. And then there was this note on the door saying something along the lines of "I’m starting with Jane (trailer owner), then you’ll all be next.“ And then, all this fog started to come through the windows and we could see hardly anything. We looked outside and saw this man out there near a basketball hoop in the fog. So we decided that we’d pretend to be people who worshipped voodoo or something like that. So we put on clothing that covered our faces and went outside with an axe. And we cut off his head. It was the most brutal thing ever. And then we cut off his feet with the axe as well. Anyway, we then pulled him into the trailer (which was now my sister’s bedroom) and put him in a big basin. He was unconscious at the time, so we woke him up. And someone said something like, "look down at your feet. They’re missing.“ And I remember in the dream I was thinking to myself, "how can he look at his feet anyway when his head was chopped off with an axe?“ But I discovered, miraculously, his head had regenerated or something. And it was sitting on his shoulders again. By then, this guy had figured out that we weren’t some voodoo worshipping group, but really the group of friends he was going to kill. Then, all of a sudden, people started to disappear and there was only me and this other girl in the room. And then we heard a knock on the door and the other girl went downstairs to get it. Somehow I knew that the guy in the basin, whose head should not be on his soulders anymore, was going to kill that girl somehow. So I ran for it. I went to my room to get my phone and then went out on to the deck and across the roofs. And then, for some reason, I jumped down, so I was hanging by my hands over the back yard. I then called my sister to see if she was okay. Then she said something like, "You’re outside, aren’t you?“ To which I replied, "’d you know that?“ Then she said, "I can see you. He can see you!“ So I jumped down into the backyard and ran into the garage. God knows why. And then I woke up.