Sunday, July 3, 2011

15 January 2008 #2

My family and I were witches and wizards or something and we went back in time with all these 50 cent coins to trade them with gold coins which are worth 1000 dollars in modern times. So we traded these 50 cent coins for one gold coin which we then bet with to get 4 coins (4000 dollars) and then my family wanted to keep gambling them but I didn’t want to so I ran. 

Then, I heard screaming so I ran back and my dad told me we had just won 1 billion dollars. A woman then told us to run because people would want our money. So we started to move through this Egyptian-like market place where there were all these golden objects. Then, the phone rang and we were back in the modern times. I answered the phone and it was this guy who was telling us to run. He didn’t say why, just to run. His name was Daniel. So we ran and then we were okay for about 5 minutes and then he rang again to tell us to run again. He hung up and we still didn’t know who he was. We then ran into this little nook where there were crates and stuff and he didn’t ring but he was narrating my dream. He was saying things like “And Linda ran into the corner behind the bins and Jessica, Alex and Celeste were standing against the wall and then Linda ran into a blue, blow up tunnel where Jessica, Alex and Celeste followed and suddenly changed into blue suits."

He stopped narrating for while, while we were running in the tunnel. Then we got to the end and the narrator/caller said that trees were going to grow out of these holes at the end and we’d be stuck and then he said that Linda found a rock that she’ll later use as a nail file. The narration then stopped and mum jumped through a zip up door and we all followed. We then realised that we were still in the town where this man who were told to run away from was. I don’t know how we knew any of these things though. So we all ran separate ways and then I saw this guy who had slicked back hair and I knew that this was the guy we were running away from. So I ran around the corner but I saw his henchmen! So I ran back and mum and I jumped over this fence and into the front lawn in our blue suits. Mum then sunk into the soil and I tried but I couldn’t so I turned myself into a snake and slithered over to this other snake. Except I wasn’t really a snake. I had hands and I felt like a human even though I must’ve looked like a snake because the henchmen didn’t say anything; he just looked at me curiously. I was hissing at this man and he kept looking at me and then he grabbed a hose and sprayed it in my face and grabbed it with my mouth and I sprayed it in his face. 

Then, eventually, he left but then Delta Goodrem appeared out of nowhere questioning if I as a snake. And I knew then that I had been found out and I woke up.

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