Sunday, July 3, 2011

28 January 2009

I was on a boat and me and my sister were swimming along side it for some reason and there were all these obstacles coming at us so when one came we threw it behind us and one of them managed to hit another boat. So now, this man was after my sister and I. After the boat got to the dock we hid with my mum and dad in this line out of the station but the man was looking out for us and eventually found us. He separated my sister and I from our parents and were holding them hostage in these large Aztec ruins. So we’re standing in this huge vine infested Aztec canyon type thing and were told to find this man in this maze, otherwise they would kill our parents. So we followed this route through this old maze and were eventually at the end where this creature lived. The place had now turned into my living room. This man appeared, but he wasn’t quite a man; he was unnaturally tall and seemed to be made of trees and leaves. He brought out all these scalpels and tried to swipe at us under our feet or our heads; all of which we ducked and jumped.

Then, we had supposedly got through a "level“ of his game and were given these books to study to figure out how to kill him. Jessica read through the right one and I was given this other one that had all jibberish in it. He came back and when I told him that I hadn’t read the book yet he was quite generous to give us more time to read it. As it turned out, you can weaken him by screaming. I did this when he came back and told Jessica and this other mysterious girl to scream as well but they wouldn’t – they had these suspicious faces on but I“m not quite sure what they meant. So I screamed and screamed but soon enough they didn’t affect him anymore so he swiped his scalpel at me once more and thinking he was going for my feet like before I jumped, but he ended up swiping downwards and slicing me in half. 

I wasn’t dead yet and he positioned my body with my hands on my back and looking down. He went for Jessica next but she moved sidewards and these high heel shoes appeared on her feet and she started to stomp around and order the creature around. Then, suddenly he apparead in women’s clothes and high heels and began to freak out from some traumatic child hood experience I figured. Then this woman came in and somehow but me back together and arrested the creature.

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