Saturday, July 23, 2011

23 July 2011

I'd been having this fight with a friend of mine and out of the blue her dad called me to say that she was suing me because I'd beat her up on three occasions unprovoked. I knew I hadn't and she didn't have any evidence to prove it. I was pleading with the dad to tell her that I was sorry for whatever I did and to sleep on this accusation. My sister was furious and went over to their house to tell them off, when she came back she had a dvd and told me to watch it. The dvd was of me (but not real me, a taller more masculine me) beating up my friend unprovoked, just punching her because I wanted to.

I don't know how the start tied into the rest of what happened, but I was in this sort of underground den, where I would hang out by myself for some reason. It was this network of caves that were all cubes and were slightly elevated from the ground so you had to climb up. It was in the backyard of this house, that was furnished like a 1950's beach house. Each time I went to the underground place, I would meet someone new. I met this girl with blue hair a few times and I used to have to cut her down because she was hung up with this blue material from bars on the roof. There was a man that was also a spirit that guarded this underground spot and from time to time he'd disguise himself as other things (other people, small girls, animals) and we could always hear him so we had to run back to the apartment, using special tac tics so he didn't catch us. 

The last time this happened I was with 2 other girls that were underground with me. One of them was the girl with blue hair and I had to cut her down from the roof again. Another was a girl that looked normal, but she was speaking in Russian and I could understand her. We were about to leave but then heard these voices and we knew that it was this man/spirit. The voices changed from middle ages women, to young boys and then the voices stopped or faded away so we started trying to get away. We got out from underground and were standing against a wall waiting to go. We started to make a run for it and realised that he was these 3 cats in the garden. To get passed them we had to run from one point to another (it couldn't be very far) while staring at the cat in the eyes. If you didn't, or if your distance was too long, the man would get you. At first we were all running together but then the Russian girl disappeared and immediately after the girl with blue hair did. So I kept going, staring at the cats to get past. The last one wasn't a cat though; it was a dog, a king charles cavalier. And the distance I had to run was much longer. But I ran, staring at the dog and went to the door. I opened the door, the dog just behind me, and I unlocked it but then locked it again and stood to the right of it. I realised that that I still wasn't in the house so I unlocked it again, but I stopped looking at the dog so it was coming for me and I was fumbling and finally got in and closed the door and pulled these sheer white curtains across so it couldn't see me. Then Lizzie McGirr had never seen or touched a King Charles Cavalier before so she opened the door and picked him up. I then realised that I'd missed a lot of guitar lessons running back from the underground network.

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